Our Aims
“We love because He first loved us.”
God sent Jesus to save us - our love is a response to His. Our vision as a church is to live out our faith in three expanding circles starting with love for Christ.
Love Christ
The most important thing is our love for God. We seek to love Jesus Christ by following Him and His teaching. We do this as those who have been forgiven and have the hope of eternal life, because Jesus is both Lord and Saviour. The other two circles stem from Jesus’ love for both His church and for the whole world.
Love Church
Jesus teaches us to love His people, the church. We meet together each week to worship God and to encourage each other in our walk with Jesus. Loving His church means sharing with one another, helping one another and growing together.
Love Harpenden
Jesus calls us to love others, particularly those close to us. This means seeking the best for our community serving it both practically and spiritually. One fundamental part of this is giving every person a chance to hear about Jesus. Additionally, reflecting Christ’s heart for the world, we seek to be a blessing beyond our town through engagement in global mission.